My dear Hillary and I were playing with her pastels last month when I was in California. As usual, we had other things we wanted to do cramped in the same day like eating some more and attending local art shows, so at the last minute I loaded her watercolor brush with water and blended my pastel of the orange together and came up with this piece.
“California Orange” 6×6 pastels on watercolor paper
She responded so positively to it which of course made me happy 🙂 So once again not having much time to do art, I drew painted the peonies my neighbor gave me in the same manner. I see now that I could have gone farther with my layers to give my still life more body. But sometimes there’s this rouge spirit that comes out of me that just wants a rough finish to it.
And now I must dash to a luncheon art meeting sigh.
The glamorous life and times of an artist!
I’ve always been a big fan of your pastels ever since I laid eyes on that wonderful piece you call “fatal fetal”
Both of these pastel works are Beautiful! I especially love the orange; such pleasing colors.
Girl at work… I see! Which kind of pastels? I wante to buy some but couldn’t choose one in particular (too much choice or not enough knowelage LOL).
These 2 are so well done, Hillary has a great influence on you 😉
Aww thanks Sheila. I do treat this medium with a more experimental attitude because I don’t think I’ve figured out how I want to handle it. I guess this approach is still reminiscent of fatal fetal, thanks for remembering!
Thsnks Akiko! I agree about the colors, I wish I knew why they appealing. I’m sure some kind of color theory that I’m not eloquent enough to determine.
Lore these are strictly Rembrandts which I consider medium strength pastels. Nupastels are harder and Schminke and Sinnelier are a little bit softer I think. Usually like pencils I start with hard, to medium to soft. Try it sometime! Just buy colors that reflect your palette 🙂 Grazie!
Let that rouge spirit out Erika! I think it’s great that your not afraid to mix it up, every now and then.
I am so behind! luvya CD…great work, as usual
Beautiful new piece. In the larger image you can see the beautiful work on top of the blended pastel. And the orange looks fabulous, almost as good as the original painting that I am ever so much enjoying!