“Clementine Tangerine” 2.5×2.5 oil on very mini canvas

I was so unimpressed with my caramel painting so I had to redeem myself somehow. Here is another still life on a dinky 2.5×2.5 canvas I did in less than an hour. It’s not a contest on how quickly I can paint something discernable (that would be a very silly reason and would make any serious artist roll their eyes) , but more a race against my attention span waning on me. I’m glad we’re having some sunny moments lately so maybe my brain can continue to thaw out. I was also SO READY to eat that fruit! Dear Theresa Rankin is blogging about some wonderful still life so I can thank her for the inspiration. How she finds time to be so generous as she prepares for her upcoming show is amazing!

Thanks so much to Gail H. Ragsdale for the Lemonade Award for Positive Attitude Blog! I think any artist who is continuously creating and pursuing their highest potential deserves this notice so I award all fellow artists who are creating along with me! Thanks again Gale!

So my self portrait was also awarded in the EBSQ Self Portrait show YAY for my Member’s Mention award! Mark Satchwill complimented my painting and encouraged me to enter it in the show even though it wasn’t done based on what I call a piece ready for primetime viewing lol But see it here along with a description about why I painted it. Also see other entries, they are fun to see! 🙂 http://www.ebsqart.com/ArtShows/cmd_195_Exhibition_Entries_2_2_G.htm

The glamorous life and times of an artist!

17 thoughts on “Clementine Tangerine oil still life

  1. wow… serious art on such a mini canvas! I love that Mark (whose art I adore) urged you to turn in a self portrait. It is very Asian looking (the style) and you of course…lol. but most importantly, it is beautiful (the style) and you of course!

  2. Hillary interesting thought, I’m glad the tangerines are around during this long winter we’re having so I can eat and paint and eat more of them hehe I showed my Mom the painting and her consistently candid response was “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT???” lol

  3. You totally captured the oranginess of the orange, or the Clementininess of the Clementine. Now I know what my old college design teacher the late Robert L. Levers Jr. meant when he was trying to explain to us about “the thingness of things.” Cause you got it there. Beingness of an orange.

  4. Yum! Tangerine, caramel…I say paint your food then you get to “have your cake and eat it, too!”

    Excellent little mouthwatering morsel, Erika 😀

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